Home Oral Care At The End Of Life
At the end of life, nothing else is more essential other than maintaining comfort, alleviation of pain and prevention of infection. However, many people are unaware that in order to achieve these objectives, oral care plays an important role. This is definitely true especially when other diseases are more active, progressive and far more advanced which may influence the oral conditions. Among the risk factors which may contribute to this problems include receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy, terminally ill, immunocompromised, elderly, difficulty in swallowing, stroke, fed with PEG or nasogastric tube and oro-pharyngeal problems. The aims of this article are to educate the public about the routine oral care which can be carried out for people at the end of life and also to familiarize carer about the common oral problems which may be experienced by the affected persons.
Maintaining good oral hygiene is the key factor for keeping a healthy mouth especially at the end of life stage. Carer has to asses and quickly detects any abnormality or pain in the mouth from time to time as this may prevent the disease progression and discomfort. The most important thing is to consult dentist immediately if any unfamiliar or abnormality noted.
Sources: http://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/home-oral-care-end-life/