Period Pain? Period Cramps?
Pain or cramps during menstrual period are known as dysmenorrhea. Some people even have excessive pain till affect their daily activities. It normally happens before or during the menstrual period for 1-2 days. The pain is normally described as dull, throbbing or cramping pain at the lower abdomen and sometimes the pain will radiate to the lower back and thighs. It is the most common complaints by young women to their health care provider and the occurrence of the pain will reduce as age increase.
Dysmenorrhea can be categorized into primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea is defined as pain during a menstrual period without any underlying gynecologic disorder, such as cysts and fibroids in the uterine. The pain normally last for 24-72 hours. This kind of dysmenorrhea happens more on young age. For secondary dysmenorrhea, the pain normally last longer and will get worse. It is normally due to the presence of other conditions, such as *endometriosis, uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.
During period, the lining of uterus will shed away by vigorous contraction of muscular wall of womb. The contraction of muscular wall of uterus will temporary cuts off the blood supply and oxygen supply to the womb. When the oxygen level is low, the tissues lining of uterus will release pain-triggering chemicals. Besides that, the body will also release another set of chemicals, known as prostaglandins. Prostaglandins will encourage the uterus muscles to contract more, thus increase the level of pain. The level of prostaglandin level is high on the first and second day of period. When the lining of uterus is shed off, the level of prostaglandin decrease, thus the pain will reduce.
Changing in lifestyles and taking supplements can help to relieve the pain and cramps at menstrual period.
One of the tips is putting a heating pad over the lower abdomen area. Some even suggested soaking in hot bath. Besides that, exercise, like taking a half an hour walk daily, can also help to relieve and prevent the pain during menstruation.
Acupuncture or acupressure at certain sites was found to be helpful in reducing the symptoms of dysmenorrhea. For example, Conception Vessel 4 and 6 (CV4 and CV6) are found to relieve the pain and cramps at the lower abdomen area.
Supplements like magnesium, dong quai (Angelica sinensis) and omega-3 fatty acids, was found to relieve the painful cramps.
· Magnesium is required for the metabolism of estrogen and it is recommended to be taken 250mg twice daily.
· As for Dong Quai, it is recommended to take on the last seven days of the cycle with the dosing of 300mg to 500mg twice daily. Dong Quai was thought to relieve the muscle cramps by relaxing the smooth muscles of the uterus.
· Omega-3 fatty acids can help to lower the inflammations. It is recommended to take about 2000-5000mg per day. Some studies found that, women that takes omega-3 fatty acids has less menstrual pain than those who are not taking.
Period pain or cramps can be relieved if there is a change in diet and lifestyle. However if the symptoms persist, please consult a doctor for further check up.